Camera Shy

By Wildstar

My Photo, Friend's Art.

A friend who has only just started painting in acrylic asked if I could help with some reference photos of seaside scenes as that was the subject suggested by the group's tutor.  I sent a few - usual stuff - seagulls,  beaches, boats etc.  I was glad when she chose this one and her tutor was very impressed with her finished work.  My friend was thrilled that it was chosen to go in a shop and offered for sale....and then sold on the first day!  I felt proud too,  but she put more work into her finished artwork than me just pressing the shutter....well hang on... I did have my lovely super wide angle lens on and a graduated filter so it was more than just a passing snap on a nice day. 
Apologies for the poor quality of her image but as the buyer was a day visitor to the town she was allowed to buy it to take away immediately instead of leaving until the exhibition had closed - had to photograph this from a WhatsApp post that she sent to show me her finished work. Maybe she'll paint something else of mine.

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