Angels With Dirty Faces

06.30 we were woken by the Cygnet.
I think it is a combination of not having a proper blackout blind and the heating switching on.
But he sat quietly watching cartoons until 08.00.
Then it was breakfast and Mr Potato Head.

Later we headed out to collect some free flowers.
While there The Cygnet had the biggest piece of shortbread I have ever seen.
After he had been on the slide a few times, introduced himself to the hens (which was very funny) and watched the fish he headed home with his mother and sister and SWMBO and I headed off to another garden centre to meet up with 'the girls' for lunch.

This evening SWMBO is away out with 'the girls' to a slimming club.
Looks like you know who is about to be going to be on an enforced diet.
Probably for the better.
I had better get on with eating the chocolates I got at Christmas and haven't finished.

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