Agoredrwydd ~ Openness
“Like a great river that runs down toward the ocean, the narrowness of discipline leads into the openness of panoramic awareness. Meditation is not purely sitting alone in a particular posture attending to simple processes, but it is also an openness to the environment in which these processes take place. The environment becomes a reminder to us, continually giving us messages, teachings, insights.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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Mae’n draddodiadol mewn gwledydd Bwdist yn y dwyrain am hen bobol i dreulio rhai o’u hamser yn encil myfyrio, ac rydyn ni’n parhau’r traddodiad yn y gorllewin. Rydyn ni’n ffitio gweddill ein bywyd o gwmpas y cyfnodau o encilio. Heddiw roedd ‘gweddill ein bywyd’ yn dechrau i fideo llyfr Nor’dzin ‘Battlecry of Freedom’. Byddwn ni ei ddarllen pennod wrth bennod ac yn rhoi’r fideos ar YouTube. Bydd e’n brosiect hir ac yn cadw ni allan drygioni am dipyn.
Yfory rydyn ni’n mynd i Drala Jong am bedwar diwrnod. Byddwn ni’n ôl ddydd Gwener.
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It is traditional in Buddhist countries in the east for old people to spend some of their time in a meditation retreat, and we continue the tradition in the west. We fit the rest of our life around the periods of retreat. Today ‘the rest of our life’ was starting to video Nor’dzin’s book ‘Battlecry of Freedom’. We will read it chapter by chapter and put the videos on YouTube. It will be a long project and will keep us out of mischief for a while.
Tomorrow we go to Drala Jong for four days. We’ll be back on Friday.
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