
I stand corrected. This isn't a Venus Fly Trap, but a Pitcher Plant. It is quite amazing looking and deserves to be photographed close-up.They are billed as extremely hardy in both hot and cold temperatures as long as their feet are kept wet....with mineral-free water! Buying distilled water for a plant doesn't strike me as the epitome of hardiness. They can grow indoors or outdoors but if they are kept indoors they need to be fed a diet of dried mealworms, rehydrated before feeding....ours will have to survive outside. There are plenty of flies out there to keep it happy.

The rain arrived rather ironically on the same day that the garden hoses John ordered arrived. Although it is not looking like the clouds will yield the promised 2 inches, we have had a few brief but heavy downpours and are quite happy with any moisture al all. It is one of those storms where the rain dumps down just as we are past the point of no return on  Spike's walk. John had quite a search for his raincoat and I literally had to dust mine off but they worked reasonably well as we sprinted down the hill and back to the car.

The rest of the day has passed in cosy domesticity with the Sunday paper, a bit of quilting, the making of more red pepper relish, some golf on the telly and a few telephone catch-ups. The rain is supposed to continue tomorrow....

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