Steam traction
A full on day at Tenterden Town signalbox. The usual five train service with the addition of the Sunday lunch Pullman, assorted shunts, track circuit failures, lineside fires and a door not fully closed as it passed my box.
Hardly a minute to draw breath or have lunch. In the end everything came right by this evening. The door on the latch was resolved by phoning the crossing keeper at Cranbrook Road and asking him to stop the train rectify the problem. The lineside fire extinguished by the next loco of the next train giving it a squirt of water from the footplate.
Todays blip was a brief moment of calm as the Sunday Pullman departs watched by a traction engine waiting at the crossing.
A measure of the day was 9,900 steps and goodness knows how many flights of stairs I took while on duty, between signalbox and crossing gates, signalbox and platform and platform and crossing gates. Phew!
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