..You! Black Emperor
@Empire, Coventry
Yesterday evening. A very busy w/e, so apols blip buddies, will catch up with your entries later.
Transported to another dimension, an immersive and mesmorising show like no other band I've experienced. I've never heard anyone else say any different, including my 3 companions.
Gig Review
Walking on and starting to play one by one, violin followed by double bass (with electric pedals), four guitars, two drums on this tour. Similarly to an orchestra, no words are said and virtually no-one moves (standing)for the entire 1hr 45 min set. The first track lasted 30 minutes, then on with the next.
Double fast moving video tapes projected behind as usual.
They exit as they arrived. We exit spellbound, and wondering where two hours went. Not a single word uttered by the band. Priceless.
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