If only they could talk!
Once upon a time, there were three squashes, Big Daddy Squash, Mummy Squash and Baby Squash, although to be honest, Baby Squash was rather a big baby squash!
One day, while sitting on the table, they had a rather serious conversation.
BDS: What do you want to be when you grow up?
BS: I want to be like you, grow up to be enormous and be made into some lovely soup or maybe a stew.
MS: Oh no BS, you must set your sites higher. You should aspire to be a lantern and scare little children with your flashing eyes.
BS: Oh, that sounds like a much better idea. But what will happen to my “insides”!
MS: Made into tasty soup perhaps.
BS: That sounds like a win- win to me
BDS: Mothers are always right!!!
( From our allotment. BDS weighs 12 kg, about 26lbs, and they’re all looking forward to Halloween)
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