View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

The Sound of Handa

Day 1 I have decided to photograph the view from our house down the Sound of Handa to show how it changes. I may do it for a week or longer but will wait and see how it goes.
Today was a very busy day.I had my breakfast and did a bit of knitting then went out to brush the sheep shit off the grass and bag it so that it can be put on the garden. The man came from Doune in Perthshire to fix the broadband so I had a bit of clearing away of stuff so that he could get into where the wire comes into the house. While he was here my friend R came as I was hoping to have a nice relaxing afternoon of spinning but she got tied up and it was a bit late so we just sat and had a chat and caught up with things as she had been away for about a month. Boadband fixed and the man left now time for dinner. Started loading up a few pictures to blip the The Crofter and I went out to check for more lambs and found another set of twins born and one parted from mum so put them together and hoped they would be okay. We then decided as there were two sets of twins in the park and to save confusion we thought we would bring the lambs down and mark them. The forecast for tomorrow wasn't good and you can't mark them in the rain as their coats need to be dry. After marking one set of lambs we then decided to do the ones that ones born yesterday that were all mixed up. We got them sorted out and hope they are with the right mum. Two of the lambs had very similar coats so we were sure they came from the same mum. All marked and counted and entered into the book which makes 28 marked. Time is now nearly 10 o'clock so time to get up to the house after a long day.

Weather today was quite sunny as you can see but still very cold.

If you want to see the ewe in the garden with the lamb look at yesterdays blip.

Time taken 1.44pm

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