Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

And the computer troubles continued today… I’ve almost spent the whole day working on it… throwing away documents, photos and other files… panicing at one stage when it went totally bonkers and didn’t show things as before. Well, I’ve decided to buy more memory for it, to give it some more time, and when the economy permits it I’ll replace the harddrive if needed.
I’ve moved documents between two external drives and sometimes files have taken so long to copy themselves that I’ve given up. I’ll be on that tomorrow too.
In the evening I finally went to the store and the sky opened up and I got drenched. Funny thing was when I met a woman standing inside the store. She looked at me and said you look drenched! Yep, it pours down… She wondered if I’d walked far, but I said no, just from behind the building. The look on her face when she saw me was really funny.
And on my way home this, that usually happens when there’s a wonderful sky and you just have to go a few meters to reach a good place and before you get the camera out of the pocket, that wonderful sky fades….
Then my evening continued with my computer… who now says that there isn’t enough room for a folder that previously sat on the desktop… before I did my massiv clearing out. But that has to wait until tomorrow.

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