Palmer Street and Paul Street

This photo shows just how hilly Frome is in places! And yes, these are the same flowers that featured in Monday's blip.

In other news, I've been dodging computer crashes to make good progress on a family history puzzle involving my half-brother Tony's cousin Carole, who we didn't know anything about until last summer. Carole had been given up for adoption when she was only a few days old, and Tony's father had left home before Tony was old enough to remember him. Carole's been trying to find out what happened to her birth mother for over 10 years but Tony was the first relative she'd located. I had a bit of a breakthrough this week as I think I've found 3 half-siblings she didn't know she had! I'm going to visit Carole tomorrow to show her what I've found out ...

My new laptop has been built, tested and is ready for despatch - and not a moment too soon!

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