PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP


Ok, not quite... it wasn't completely deserted, but enough to warrant the question - where the hell is everybody? This is Sao beach and it is absolutely incredible! White sand, crystal clear and turquoise waters - what more could you ask for? Maybe a mojito?? Sadly no for me because I drove there! That's right baby! I am now a fully fledged motorbike scooter rider (automatic, but lets not be too fussy...).

I am also now sadly nursing some pretty horrific sunburn. New lessons learnt today:
* Though shalt wear pants at least to the knee and no less than a t-shirt when riding a motorbike
* Sunscreen application means nothing without covering up (I applied like five times!) Admittedly not to legs...
* Phu Quoc maps are rubbish - GPS on phone is much more helpful
* Just because the map says sealed road does not actually mean it is!
* There is nothing like riding through roadwork construction all day to build up your confidence - Quick! And lastly...
* Never get too cocky - one day on a bike does not make me an expert ... I have the cut to prove it! (During parking mind you!)

Right! I'm off to bed the mozzies are ferocious and I have a big day scuba diving ahead of me :-)

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