Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Meet Albert...

...the greeter at the tip recycling centre at Penistone...
He looks so comical he had to be today's blip - I always think he's real! Because I had my camera out one of the guys in charge came across to make sure everything was OK. When I explained he told me the story of Albert ;) 
Apparently Albert was a frame that an old local used to grow climbing plants around, until his wife made him get rid of it. The guys at the recycling centre saved him from a fate worse than death, and now dress him up in various guises at the entrance to the tip. They make a special effort at Easter, Christmas etc - and he definitely cheers up the day! Much needed at the moment...

In contrast, the Queen's children held a final vigil for their mother last night, and her 8 grandchildren will do the same tonight.

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