Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Morning on the market

I had to get up at stupid o'clock to get my COVID booster in Wembley.

To my delight they had made it a 'drive though' experience so I barely had time to put my car in 'park' before the needle hit my flesh.

Back home and down to Portobello Market to buy some fruit and veg. I stood in the queue next to Rachel Johnson (our former Prime Minister's sister) and her cute little cockapoo. Then back up though the tourist trap part of the market before the crowds build up.

Little Jacob (extra) was as content as I have ever seen him this morning. The temperature dropped over night to 9 degrees. For a little hamster who's relatives came from Siberia this seems to be a good temperature. He has also started burrowing again which is a good sign.

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