Seed Pod

This seed pod, no bigger than my thumbnail. appeared on a potted grass-like succulent. I've never seen one on it before, and it was the only one but I thought it was quite pretty. Not quite a flower, but close enough....Thanks, as always, to Biker Bear.

We had coffee with the group this morning and it was so pleasant to talk of nothing of great consequence, relax, and enjoy the beautiful morning. The weather has cooled off and rain is predicted for the weekend! Quite a turnaround from last week's sweltering temperatures and, if it materializes, a relief from the ever-present worry about fire. It wouldn't be unheard of, but certainly unprecedented to get measurable rain before October.

Just to keep us on our toes, we had a little earthquake a couple of evenings ago. The epicenter was in Northwest Santa Rosa on the Rogers Fault. It was only 4.4 ,but it did shake some people up. I grew up with minor earthquakes in Southern California and never thought much about them, but we lived less than a mile from the Hayward Fault in Berkeley and the 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake got my attention. John was on a business trip in Chicago and the kids were all away at school, so I was on my own with the dog. My neighbor's husband was stranded in the City because part of the Bay Bridge and a major freeway collapsed, and another friend's husband was in London. The power was out, so three of us dragged mattresses off the beds and away from the windows and we kept each other company as alarms went off and helicopters flew overhead all night long. I never realized how many roads I drove on around there were elevated until they were all closed for inspection in the days afterward.

So a 4.4 temblor on the Rogers Fault made us pause, but then carry on as we were. After it was over, an emergency alert informed me that we were having an earthquake and should get in a doorway....I didn't need to read that the Rogers Fault connects somehow with the Hayward Fault, which we've been told for decades was due for a 'major event' in the next fifty years.

I went into the Outdoor store in Montgomery Village where Rasta Charlie Brown lives. They have a petition which will be sent to the new manager of this outdoor shopping center stating that one person should not be able to determine the fate of a statue of a cartoon character much beloved by the community. The woman who works in the store said they have gotten over 100 emails of support, many which offered to take Charlie. I said I would be happy to take him, but he should really remain right where he still is.  She told me he weighs 500 pounds. I suspect he won't be going anyplace soon....

Never a dull moment here in Wine Country....

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