If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Bramble ( Rubus fruticosus )

Brambles or "Blackites" as we knew them when we were kids.  Kanyl has a Bramble in the garden which has appeared.   He decided to cut some of it back and discovered it was thornless.  That is interesting as thornless are obviously a cultivated variety.  I can only assume somebody close by has a thornless variety that self-pollinated then the seed was spread by a bird.

One thing I had planned to do while visiting Kanyl was testing one of his lenses on the canon to see if the fault was with his camera or the lens.  That plan fell apart when the camera had so little power in the battery it decided to close down.  Must talk to the forward planning department!

I strimmed what he is hoping will become his wildflower meadow leaving him with quite a bit of "hay making" to do.

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