
It was agreed that CyclopsJnr would need to skip judo today as it is a contact sport. So MrsCyclops picked up CyclopsJnr at normal hometime instead of after-club hometime. 

To make up for it a bit we went to the library. CyclopsJnr got nine books. Several are graphic novels, as he has just been enjoying a graphic novel that he got last time. They had quite a few to choose from.

In other news:

CyclopsJnr had had some success at his lessons with drumkit basics and today has moved on to rock techniques which pleases him.

CyclopsJnr had a green bruise about six inches round on his thigh from the skateboard accident. We cannot imagine how he contorted himself to only injure his teeth and thigh. He has been enjoying showing people how gross the bruise is.

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