Last Hurrah
The Hot Water Plants aka Achimenes have been in flower for three months now and most are well past their best. The late planted batch in the front porch are still full of colour but the early ones in the back porch are pretty much over, apart from this one. Achimenes 'Harry Williams' is a new one to me this year and has proved more 'different' than I expected. while most of the others grow to a maximum of 30cm, this one has passed the 60cm mark and is still going. The flowers open a deep colour, almost purple but age to a vibrant deep pink. It's very striking but, like me, a bit untidy
Another day with the pots. Just the fritillarias left to do now from the main collection plus the small matter of six trays of seed pots to check over - that's another 72 pots but they're only little :-/ Apart from the narcissus disaster (due to Narcissus Fly grubs), everything else has continued to do well.
Two diversions, I popped into Wharf for an hour as it's one of my cleaning days and Meg and I visited the ball field and took a stroll through the fields nearby until it as too dark to see.
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