The tea that went wrong

So tired this am
Alarm went off way tooooo soon

Dropped tinkers at morning club then went to second work!

Had a good day

Picked tinkers up from mummy Claire’s who had kindly walked them to hers

All week I had promised them macdonalds for tea, they asked if they paid the delivery charge could we get mcdelivery!


Order placed 4:20
Delivery guaranteed by 4:50!

Except 4:50 came and went,
Then 5:20, then 5:40…….
At 5:30 I gave up and did a hasty
Dominoes order- they delivered within 20 mins!

Managed to cancel the mcdelivery order
Apparently we are tooooo rural for the drivers to come out too?

No idea!

Daddy home

Have I mentioned I’m tired

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