River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Elderberries, The Robin & Chicory Roots

Woke up at 7am having slept like a log … a leisurely breakfast and coffee, then I decided to have some time in the garden, after hanging out the other half of yesterday’s washing …

Cleared all dead stuff in the new deep bed behind the greenhouse, the chicories have flowered well feeding the insects
 https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3010998801197434027 - I chopped all the dead flower stems and have potted the roots up in 2 buckets, they were grown for salad last winter. 

I emptied a compost bin and used the compost as a mulch on the deep bed then added young plants of Kale “Scarlet”, early purple sprouting broccoli and Mr. Curtis’s 9 Star broccoli - all these little plants have survived the drought and being munched by all sorts of creatures! 

Meanwhile MrD was cutting the grass, lots of leaves on the grass and they were chopped up too - making a nice mulch for the newly planted kales and broccoli.

Oh … yes …The Robin  - was been a little nuisance!! I’d put a nice pile of compost well away from where I was working but the Robin was more interested in where I was clearing and almost got trodden on … again !!!

I think the swallows have gone, but on a cheerful note there was a bat flying past my window at dusk :-)

Fish & Chips for tea, a lazy evening of catching up on TV programmes and trying to stay awake until bedtime  …

Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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