Proof positive......
....that if you sit in my garden long the sun long enough.... right by a salvia bush.... a blue banded bee is bound to appear.
This would have to be one of the last of the season, have to be. But it's is the most beautiful day today, clear blue skies and pleasantly warm in the sun. I guess the bees will fly as long as it's warm enough, and as long as they have larvae to feed.
Green eyes.
I did manage to winkle the Rower of his shell, and take a trip down to Brownhill Creek, and although he got a passable shot of an Eastern Spinebill, we would have to have stayed there a lot longer to get anything else. There were dozens of small birds there, but high in the trees, and the light was beginning to drop.
Might go back again tomorrow, a bit earlier and see what I can see.
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