a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Darting About

Amazingly its 2:30pm and I've already been to the GP's for my annual checkup, Southmead Clinical Research for drug trial tests, visited sister in hospital, come back home and got a blip.  Travelling by motorbike helps with the traffic and parking issues of course.  But I think I might need a lie down now ;-)

Most importantly Janet was in good spirits and pretty perky considering that she'd had a significant operation the day before.  Say one thing about my sister, say she's a trouper.

When I got back there was some dragonfly activity on the little pond.  A Southern Hawker male was zooming about.  Unfortunately although I crept up slowly he'd obviously decided that the pond didn't have much to offer him and went off to investigate the nearby trees.  I hung around in case he came back, but sadly it was not to be.  Instead, here is a much smaller male Common Darter.  These tend to be harder to get a photo of in flight than the hawkers, but not today, as this one obligingly hovered nicely for just long enough for this shot.

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