Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962


The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.

Henry David Thoreau



As part of this years reform effort I am trying to bring a little life and colour to our living space. To that end I spent this afternoon playing with propagator, seeds, compost etc. - this involves planning for slightly longer periods than moment to moment....which is probably a good thing. Inspired by a recent conversation via this journal I'm also planning on carrying out a bit of guerilla gardening in the neglected land behind my house - it was bought by an unknown person or persons some years ago to stop Travellers setting up a camp there - since then its been left to its own devices - I think I could improve it with some judicious seed and seedling bombing with wild flowers and perhaps some fruit trees (now there's long term thinking for you!) Catie keeps encouraging me in my temptation to quietly extend my fence line by ten feet or so thus bringing my much loved tree within my protection - I seem to remember that if nobody objects to one's occupation of land in this way for five years (or ten, or some such) then it becomes legally yours....it's very tempting....and I am feeling particularly rebellious these days....I wouldn't mind going in for a bit of Gerard Winstanley. I'm very attached to that tree - it's been my sofa bound window onto the changing seasons for many years now and like me its survived a lot of physical damage (it caught fire when we were fire bombed a few years back) and refuses to give up despite its scarsm.

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