
Caught the 8:32 train to St Pancras. First stop Green Park to look at the flowers left for the Queen.

There was a ceremonial procession for the Queens coffin from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster.

I walked along the very busy Mall and in hindsight I should have stayed there (hindsight is a wonderful thing). Intended to walk to Whitehall but the queues were huge, people turning back saying you couldn’t see anything and pointless trying to go that way.

Attempted to go back to the Mall but they had closed it due to it being full to capacity. All other routes closed and the only option was to walk to Hyde Park with thousands of other folks to watch the procession on the big screens.

Walked back along Piccadilly and had a meal in my usual place. Sat near two friends talking about the day. One of them claimed to know the cause of death.

Usual Fortnum & Mason lemon biscuits purchased and back along the Mall, a wander in St James’ Park, watched some very tame squirrels, they certainly know how to charm the tourists.

Walked to Green Park tube only to find it was closed, onwards to a very busy Piccadilly and eventually back to St Pancras for the 20:02 home.

24301 steps.

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