walk, eat, read, repeat

When Luke moved back to live with us during the first lockdown, we used to do the same walk every evening after tea - along the road to Routin Brig and then through the woods to the confluence of the Auld Water with the Cairn. We talked about how, if we did this 13 times in a day, we could walk a marathon. Today I was crazy enough to do this challenge, starting at 6.30am and walking the route once every hour until I had completed the 26.2 miles. I came home each time to eat, rest (briefly) and read a few pages of my book. It’s a shame Luke couldn’t be here to do it with me, but Jess came along for some of the way. I was rather sore by the last few miles but felt better after a bath with Epsom salts. Thankfully I don’t have much walking to do tomorrow.

The book, by the way, is excellent - “spill, simmer, falter, wither” by Sara Baume. It was a recommendation on Blip :-)

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