Friends reunited...
Gill, who used to be a member of Alan's support team till she retired, has become a good friend and came for lunch today.
I hadn't told Alan in advance as I knew how disappointed he would be if for any reason her visit was cancelled, so he got a wonderful surprise when she arrived.
Gill is an absolute force of nature and she and Alan got up to all sorts of adventures when she was one of his PAs. I always said that if Alan ever ended up getting arrested it would be when he was in Gill's care :-) He was absolutely over the moon to see her (and she him) They have such a close bond. They were both in fits of laughter and making plans for future adventures.
It's been a while since Gill's been here and a lot has happened (including her moving away from our town to a beautiful rural location deeper in Perthshire) since we last saw her. So much to catch up with and we enjoyed doing so very much over lunch then over coffee and cake.
Gill left just before 5pm, Alan and Vikki headed off to the cinema. David was playing golf with Kenny so I took the chance to get started on the new module of my drawing course - Drawing with pens. So far I've completed the warm up exercises. There are a number of drawings required as part of this week's exercises so need to get my finger out.
Monday is the new Saturday
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