By lizzie_birkett

A Misty Morning

I went sleep at 9pm last night and didn’t wake up till 7.30am! That’s ten and a half hours!
When opened the blind and velux window I was blinded by the light!

Misty Morning

I rose from my bed all bleary eyed
and opened the skylight.
I squinted into the dazzling sun,
unable to see, it was just too bright!

When I eventually opened my eyes,
ghostly chimneys were all I could see
and beyond was nothing but whiteness
no hills, no road, no trees.

An hour later, as I walked dog 
the sun was golden against the blue 
the mist had dispersed, the air was fresh
and overhead a flock of geese flew.


It’s been a lovely day, I got three loads of washing dried outside.
(Looking forward to bedtime with fresh bed linen:-)

Tonya and Yurii went to Skipton for Job Centre appt and English. They had said they would make tea. Tonya looked tired when they got back at 5.15 but still wanted to make us a Ukrainian meal. It was delicious - Borscht and some little dumplings filled with shredded veg and topped with fried onions. I always thought Borscht was served cold but Tonya said not so in Ukraine. Bad extra as I cut Yurii’s head off!
Can’t believe they’ve been here 6 weeks!

I spoke to Marc today as I have done most days this week. He is struggling just now with his mental health. However today he feels a bit better and said he got an application form to hopefully work in a furniture charity shop in Airdrie where he lives. Life is never easy for him.

We were talking to two young sets of parents with toddlers this morning, we told them you worry more about kids when they’ve left home and it’s true!

Ballet and tap starts again tomorrow - I feel as stiff as a board!

That’s all for today!
Goodnight :-) X

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