Place: St Pete Beach, FL 
Main activity: Tues - errands, pool
Notes: Woke 415a (15 min longer than yest!) and finally got up and did qigong. Sunrise brought beautiful light to the sky (pic). Headed out around 8a for another Walmart - this one further up 34th St at 1st Ave N. Found 2 more of the small Coke bottle 6-packs for Bette but it's still not enough and can't find the small cans of Canada Dry ginger ale ?? Went to the pool from 10a-ish until about 11a. Joe in Denver flying back today. Napped from ~ 1-2p. Starting working on a marketing postcard design for Joe - he needs 2 soon. Heard from Alice a little after 3p and talked to her for about an hour. Quiet evening and then Wei called as I was getting ready to head to bed.

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