
When I googled "appendage" to get some ideas for a blip today, the first thing that came up was "they treat Scotland as a mere appendage of England".
Personally I don’t think that is true, it has never been in this house anyway, as husband hails from Edinburgh and we have lots of Scottishness going on in this house.
Of course blip was started in Scotland too, so it’s not the case on blip either. 
Anyway, with this in mind, and given the enormous focus on Scotland today, I had a root around to find a suitable blip, one that I hadn’t used before.
I came across some serviettes, paper napkins, that had been used for a Burns Supper a few years ago. It was such a great night with our neighbours, all drinking and chatting till the early hours. At one point Callum and I met in the kitchen and he asked me if I thought they were ever going to go home!
Thanks for hosting Laurie54. 

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