Lots of play

Well my bigger wildling lads didn't get off to a good start this morning.  They snuck downstairs at 4.30am. I had not long got back to sleep when my 'mother' instincts knew something was up ;-). Anyway they got banned from all their technology and YouTube on the tvs.  

I managed to get Mr R 's soup made before playgroup.  He gave us a lift in this morass I've been struggling with my shoulder and pushing the buggy and carrying a guitar would have been a nightmare.  

The jedi had a lovely time. He was so flighty today and made his way around nearly every toy in the room. But he enjoyed himself.  I played the guitar for the group at song time. I've only 3 more sessions of playgroup until I get my shoulder done so I'll take the guitar along to them. And all the wee kiddos like it. 

Had a tidy up when the jedi was napping,  the boys have their friend round  from school for a playdate and dinner . So obviously the house has to be tidy for them to then get all the toys out and make it look messy again.  Haha. 

Lincoln is starting to feel the effects of being awake too early and I'm going to have a few more strong coffees so I'm awake for Mr R coming home. He will be home way after 8 tonight. He has a meeting up in Glasgow and it is a late one. 

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