
It was a struggle to get out of bed this morning.  However it was a much nicer day than yesterday, so I enjoyed my early morning walk in the sunshine. 
Work was very busy today, with a very stressful couple of hours in the middle of the day.  I had a lovely meeting this afternoon, where there was lots of discussion about environmental projects and initiatives –all sounded fabulous, but a lack of funding is likely to hold things back.  I have agreed to assist with one area, but not sure what that will entail.
I eventually managed to escape my laptop for some fresh air.  There was a threat of rain, but it didn’t come to anything.  I then had a couple of late meetings to catch up with colleagues and eventually I logged off.  My days are rather samey at the moment.
I saw two herons at the weirs this morning.  I think this is a young one - exploring.

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