
After the recent walk with my good friend, Chris, he suggested that we do it again, but that also we invite another chap called, Steve, whom Chris has known well for years and with whom I have started doing some work recently. And I really like him, so that sounded fine to me.

We met this morning in Grassington, and Chris had once again prepared the route. We went from the large car park just outside the town centre, crossed the Wharfe, and then proceeded north. At this stage it was bucketing down but that was fine. 

As we followed the river for some way, the first part of the walk was quite flat but later on, having had a look at Kilnsey Crag*, we crossed back over the river and then followed the path up to Conistone Dib, which was quite steep going at times. But just below the nib, we stopped and had lunch attended by a burgeoning quantity of midges. From there, we then enjoyed the walk back down to Grassington, which is when some blue skies appeared.

After a late afternoon nap, we reconvened at six for a drink at the Foresters Arms, before settling in at the Black Horse for food and drinks. And despite having been in one another's company all day, we still had plenty to talk about, and had a long and enjoyable evening.

*As we looked on, one climber was making their way beneath the overhang and lost their grip. I guess they were falling for less than a second before their ropes stopped them but, blimey, that was a long second.

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