A Day Oot!

At last the sun. Blue skies, a gentle breeze and warmth. Why would you want to be anywhere else but Orkney in these conditions? I am sitting in a sun trap of a garden behind the sea wall where there is hardly a ripple as the tide starts to turn from its lowest ebb.
I have already forgotten about the previous 6 days of grey skies, constant rain and wind. This is the island of blue lochs and lush green fields full of contented cattle that I picture in my mind’s eye when I go to my happy place.

I had a very quick early swim this morning with one other lady as I had to be ready to meet IainatCreel and CMC at 10:30 for a walk at Birsay and lunch in the tea room. The sea is warm enough at the moment that there is no involuntary intake of breath as you get in and today the water was not so bouncy that the waves broke over my head. It just felt exhilarating.

The lunch was delicious and will keep me going for at least today plus I came away with a beremeal biscuit which I consider a speciality of the house.

The extra is of the causeway which connects the mainland to the Brough of Birsay at low tide.

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