Chewing the fat

Must be spring or something, time to spend your afternoon hanging over the garden wall chatting with the neighbours.

Well, today started very well. Reminded by a handy text from my mum last night, I jumped out of bed this morning and successfully got Daisy with pinch punch. As I did my happy victory lap, she commented ";that makes you really happy, doesn't it? How sad" That nearly took the wind out off sails, but not quite, I managed to double up on her friend from next door too. I am happy.

Nice short day at work, home by five to take Will to his swimming lesson, we cycled with our new tag along. Will was very happy with the cycling, so happy in fact he did nothing but muck about during his lesson and he is now under a warning for next time to listen or we will not be going back. Obviously he just wandered off showing no sign of hearing. Such respect I attract from my children.

Am now sitting on the garden with a tiny glass of wine. Come on spring, more of this please!!

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