Colors of a Sunset

The Double Delight Rose is my favorite. Each rose is different; the colors vary a lot. This one is unusually intense in color without any post-editing; it is SOOC. I love it. Perhaps the thumbnail works as an abstract for AT.Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AT; I hope she accepts thumbnail images for the challenge! 

I had a delightful massage today; I feel so fortunate that I can get lovely. The weather was pleasant, too; it was a perfect gardening day, but we spent a couple of hours at Costco!! My husband and I both ordered new glasses, and then we did a little shopping; we ended up seeing Ellie & her grandpa while shopping...Ellie was so excited. :-)) 

My daughter arrived in town tonight for dinner; we were happy to see her again. She will be here until Sunday. We planned to go to the beach tomorrow, but now we have mixed feelings about leaving. Stay tuned to see if we stay or go.

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