all change...

By Isblip

Wednesday walk

I had a walk in my head that I was going to do - I had to go to Plympton on a mission later in the day so decided to make the most of the glorious weather - all the office and house work done and dusted by 10am. The walk in my head wasn't the 8 mile one I ended up doing but it was stunning all the same, not sure how the gammy knee is going to react tonight though!

I walked to Overbecks - a beautiful National Trust property that sits high up on the hillside and offers some of the most fabulous views in the South West. Its subtropical gardens contain a banana garden and orange store as well as some wonderful palms, olive trees and magnolias which are currently in full bloom. I was too early for entry into the gardens when I arrived so carried on around the coast path in a loop, which is where I took this picture from. I have taken a similar one over the Easter holidays but couldn't quite believe the colours of this one when I uploaded it.

What a wonderful Wednesday!

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