Autumn Comes

It was a very wet day, interspersed with blues skies and sunshine.

After the last 2 months of virtually no rain, today the weather gods seemed to be trying to make up for it with overflowing drains and gutters.  The flat roof over my back lobby was like a mini paddling pool ... an hour later it was still the same. Oh dear, that cannot be right.  I dug out the ladder and cambered up carefully to investigate. Back down to find a garden cane and up again to poke it into the drain hole which was blocked solid. A few vigorous pokes later there was an ominous crunch and the the water started to flow. Fortunately I could find no signs of damage after my efforts and hopefully now all is well again.

In between the rain I wandered round the garden in a half-hearted attempt to find something interesting to blip.  There was not a lot around, but my eye was drawn by this dying cherry tomato plant with a single, very mini, fruit exhibiting all the signs of Autumn. This is a composite of 2 shots at different focus points merged in photoshop.

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