Gooseberry bush

This is a super new gooseberry bush growing from a small root a friend gave me a few weeks ago. It was just about 4" tall when I first potted it. We have 4 established bushes in the fruit cage but this year they were attacked by something and we had no fruit from them. We have now hard pruned them and hope they will regrow. If not we now have this shiny new one to get started again. 
My dress is till waiting to be finished as it was matting day so "day time" at home was limited and I'm never in the right frame of mind to sew in the evenings. That's my knitting time which takes much less brain work!  I'm hoping I might get it done tomorrow as it's a project I want to see the back of, regardless of whether I ever wear it or not! I think when my current 'half started' dressmaking is finished I will turn my attention to some different sewing projects that don't need to be made to measure!  
I'm hoping to pop to the mobile hairdresser tomorrow too which will eat into my day. At least I have my car now so that will be much less time consuming than timing it with the buses. 

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