emergency blip
ack, I only have photos from my backyard camera of wildlife behind my HVAC .... a sparrow
(Sadly, a mouse is still there, I just don't have a picture of him from today.)
My dwarf everblooming hydrangea on my deck is blooming for me though!
BUT I got my fourth shot, my second booster, and was so happy I danced all the way home. Bless me I have THREE vaccine cards now because I can't remember to bring previous ones to new shots.
Ukraine took down a Russian plane without firing a missile. Yaroslav Melnyk headed a unit that has destroyed 28 targets including 11 combat aircraft, two helicopters, two cruise missiles, and 13 drones. One time, their radar system picked up a a plane. Yaroslav thinks the plane gave the pilot a radar exposure warning showing him he was being tracked and the pilot ejected. Hence, he brought down a plane without a shot.
Nikita Knysh has a cyber security company called HackControl, nicknamed "Hackyourmom" (????). Mr. Knysh began recruiting hackers as soon as Russian invaded this year. They hacked Russian television stations to push pro-Ukrainian messages. They hacked security and traffic cameras and Belarus and occupied parts of Ukraine to get information about Russian military movement.
Now Ukrainian hackers have been playing with Russian troops. They make fake profiles of women on Facebook and Russian social media sites. The Russians send them photos which the hackers use to figure out where they are and then share that info with the Ukrainian military. They helped identify a Russian military base near Melitopol which was then blown up.
A few sources are saying that there are pictures of Russian advertisements on a mental health clinic making very grand promises to people who enlist. One of the posters explains how to pass the psychiatric exam.
There are at least two all-Chechen battalions fighting in Ukraine against Russia. They feel greater motivation to fight Russia given what Russia did to them. They say that the awful things Russia has done to Ukraine do not actually compare with what they did to Chechnya.
Ukrainian soldiers are getting winter gear from their military and their civilians. Russian soldiers aren't even getting water. Winter will be rough for Russia.
There is a chimpanzee in Ukraine that ran away from the zoo. Zookeepers followed her, talked to her, coaxed her, but she was not going back - until it started to rain. Then she went to her zookeeper who gave her a raincoat and a hug and helped her get back to the zoo on a bicycle.
Cute video: https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/europe/100000008522067/escaped-chimpanzee-kharkiv-zoo.html?searchResultPosition=1
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