..from a river-charging Labrador!!
The river is right down to normal levels now and Tia (my 11 month old pup) has discovered the joys of cooling off by running around at full pelt in the shallow water! She did this in the floodwater when it was partially frozen but seemed even happier to do it in the river on a lovely sunny day! She didn't seem at all tempted to jump into the canal thank goodness!
My other Lab, Millie didn't even go down to the water's edge - she doesn't like water at all and we think it's due to her falling in a frozen pond when she was a small puppy! We can't even get her to drink from the edge - her water has to be in a bowl!
Oh and guess what.. I forgot to take my camera on the sunniest day of the year so far!! Arggghhh!! Thank heaven for my iPhone!
...There's a slight smell of river wafting from Tia... :-)
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