Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Good morning!!!

Seems fitting that after finally completing a challenging garden challenge for the snowy, dreary, rainy and chilled month of April, the first thing I come across this morning is a common garden spider in the kitchen sink...

Luckily, the word travelling super nurse was still up stairs preparing for a day of care giving and health-based problem solving. Had she been the one to find my l'il brown-beige friend, it would have been a very different start to the day. As it is I had to wait for her to leave before I could even edit the image!

I was appreciative of its ability to stay still while I manipulated f/stop, flash power, flash angle, and all the things that help to bring out its best side. My only request would have been for it to be on an outside corner. A face on view may have been a little more dramatic...

PS: Although not for the squeamish, the eight catch lights in the eyes are best viewed in full screen mode...

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