Back to normal?

A set back; plan B; drenched and vision at a reunion.

The set back came in the form of the bathroom fitter coming in and saying “we have a problem“. Yesterday one of the walls of the wet room had been tiled and left to set overnight. When he came to remove the spacers which keeps the tiles in position and equidistant apart, he found that the tiles chipped. This was not an isolated issue. Nearly every tile became damaged. We had a faulty batch.

Much negotiation with the supplier but the upshot was that all the tiles - even those in the tile store - were from the same batch and I got a full refund (and he is following up on time/ materials lost).

Plan B was to get the same tiles as on the floor and use them for the wall. An online order means they should be delivered tomorrow! The old plasterboard had to be removed and by the end of the day most of the replacement had been refitted. But we have lost a few days in the schedule.

The drenching was the thunder clumps which affected us in the afternoon. The blip of the High Street and the waterproofed mannequin summed up the fact that after a long hot summer we are back to tourists huddling under umbrellas (there are still quite a few around).

The vision came at the annual Apex Scotland lecture - the first in person event for a few years. The lecture was given by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans, Keith Brown MSP who commented on the Scottish Government’s plans for access to the justice system, much of which was reinforced with announcements in the programme for Government earlier in the day.

Afterwards there was a networking event- not a party - where I caught up with various people I knew from work days and met several new ones. Lots of discussions about the great quality of children’s panel training and the issues of sitting on hearings, the reforms of that system that are underway, and the general need for hope. We also talked about keeping people warm in winter, helping others with form filling and even church planting! So wide ranging conversations.

It was also a pleasure to meet again in person a fellow blipper - marchmont - who now chairs Apex Scotland. She agreed I could post a blip - here in the extra,

Oh: there was also a new Prime Minister appointed today. I’ll leave you to choose which of my opening words apply to that event.

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