
By Beckett

First Hand Painting

Well has today been a busy one.
Firstly todays Blip is quite special to me. It is one of the first hand paintings done with our Grand daughter Alice who is 23 months - she is very special to us. Have been late getting this up as as Pro hart would say - "need to let the paint dry first"!
So here it is, hope you enjoy it as much as we have seeing her progress in life.

Also today has been my first day of retirement, and have had a special day - lunch with my work colleagues at our favourite Chinese in Penrith (Happy Inn). You can see the result on my colleagus Blip at Su77on. Notice I have had a bit of fun in the comments!!

Also have just heard after entering on of my pics taken in Western Australia a couple of years back of SugarLoaf Rock, it was short listed earlier in month and has now been selected as one of 13 Nature photos for a major USA Nutrient companies 2014 calendar . Obviously very proud, as it was my first attempt at entering a pic other than our local Show.

Sorry to bore you with this but as a "learning" photographer I am obviously very happy.

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