'This New Noise'

The story - as told by J Willgoose Esq from the stage of the Royal Albert Hall, this evening - goes that three years ago, Public Service Broadcasting were approached with the information that BBC Radio's centenary was approaching, and perhaps the band would think abut doing something to commemorate that.

Happily, they agreed, and that is why the MInx and I were there this evening, to hear the first - and possibly only - performance, of 'This New Noise', named after Charlotte Higgins' book about 'The Extraordinary Birth and Troubled Life of the BBC'.

PSB were playing with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and, from what I can glean, a lot of the arranging was done by the band member, JF Abraham, who usually plays bass, flugel horn, and keyboards. It was really rather lovely as well as interesting, and for the next year, you can hear it on the iPlayer.

The ending was particularly moving as, during that last piece, all of the musicians left the stage one by one. No photos were permitted during the performance but I snuck a picture once everyone had gone, which you can see in my Extras.

My main picture is the bow tie that I bought for PSB's performance of 'The Race For Space' at the Royal Albert Hall, which I wore again this evening. Got it tied first time, too!

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