Clay Cottage

Mr W was up super early to go on a bike ride with his mates to Dorset which meant I too was up super early to sort Bella out. I didnt mind though as I like to get as much done while I have the time to myself.

Pottery Classes start again Monday and the subject is 'House' and 'Texture'. I plan to make an ode to Bluebell Cottage so thought I'd have a practice run with my own clay to see if its actually possible and have a dummy run. It literally took me all day so god knows how I'll manage it in a 3 hour class!!! But it was fun and maybe the second time round will quicker. I may need to refine the wisteria flowers a bit more so they don't look like cows b******s!

Mr W had a great day out. His new bike is so much better for him. It took him a while to accept the other bike was a bit big for him and was ready to hang up the gloves and helmet but he has a new lease of motorbiking life in him now which I'm pleased about. I know he's 73 but theres plenty of life left in the old boy yet!

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