Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Corsewall lighthouse (hotel)

Something went wonderfully right with the weather today. It was forecast to continue a week long stretch of rainy days, which started on Friday night. ( the festival fireworks reflected through the clouds looked rather dramatic!)
But hey, after a stormy start, the day became a bonus Summer day with warmth and a beautiful sky. I decided to enjoy the day instead of taking my day off tomorrow in more forecasted rain.
So, I continued the nose-following exploration.
The road stopped at Corsewall Lighthouse.
This now automated light house is at the top of the Rhins of Galloway and at the mouth of Loch Ryan- next stop Ireland! The light house buildings contain a hotel where isolation is almost guaranteed, apart from the trickle of visitors who brave the dirt track and huge potholes.
The cream tea was pretty good too.

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