
By Nanzy19

A Tear in the Fabric of Society

How can any society that cares for its people allow conditions like those in sweatshops to persist? How can we in the west continue to support companies like Joe Fresh that exploit workers in third world countries? 382 people dead so far, many more missing, the owner of the company arrested trying to flee to India - shameful.
My family couldn't afford expensive clothing, and I've worked with people who could only afford to shop at WalMart. I understand the pressures on people here to buy cheaper clothing; the province where I live has the worst rate of child poverty in Canada. Surely there's a way, though, to provide affordable goods that are produced in safe conditions that don't endanger the lives of workers. Stories like this enrage me, sadden me, and bring tears to my eyes.
The weekly blip challenge is TEAR - this story fits both meanings of the word.
A bit of a blip rant!

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