Knowes Twatt

A windy day, a sunny morning, cloud blow in during the afternoon, and a cloudy evening. 

Thank goodness I had a day off today, I needed the time to recover this morning.  I finally got going, and got washing out on the line, before walkies.  I met up with friend Julie, and we headed out west to the veg and flower show, along with Sunday Teas in the Aith Hall.  Working in the shop this evening, and a fairly quiet night.  Sofa needed tonight! 

After some delicious treats and cakes at the Teas, a walk was needed to burn off some of the calories.  I planned to look at an old kirk, but unfortunately couldn't find an access point, so will have to return another time.  This old croft house took my attention after that, but no known history of the house, apart from being named Knowes, Twatt.  (Twatt is the name of the hamlet). 

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