
A busy Sunday... Along with the usual chores, we loaded and unloaded 114 bales of haylage. It was a good day for it, enough wind to keep us getting too hot and a sprinkling of rain. 

Our afternoon trip to check the horses was a different story. Lashing rain. After putting out hay I gave a handful of grass nuts to the horses... George, in his enthusiasm to eat, managed to get choke. We spent an hour massaging his throat and keeping a watch over him but it just wasn't clearing. We decided a vet call was in order so walked him up to the steading... Once there he was back to his usual self, panic over. Phew! On his way back to the field, he was in a hurry to return to his herd. 

By now, Gorgeous and I were soaked to the skin. We watched over George for 10 mins from the shelter of the car and checked him once more before heading home.

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