
By Feedtheducks

Emotionally charged boat trips.

Today Nautilus, the craft in the photo, was chartered for two trips. There was a skipper and me, the crew. 
The first trip was to scatter a mariner’s ashes in the harbour. The widow was accompanied by two friends and we duly did what was required with little ceremony but some understandable emotion. She was very brave even when things went slightly array because of the wind. 
The second trip, and the reason for bedecking the boat in flags was to lay a wreath to commemorate those who died in New Zealand’s Merchant Navy in the Second World War, the date being the start of hostilities. The wreath layers were prominent citizens and a vicar who not only  said a few words at the time of the laying but had previously blessed the craft. It was a very short trip and the wind blew the wreath back towards the wharf.
Nautilus is an old boat having been built in Auckland before the First World War as a pleasure craft. It was offered to the military and intended as a hospital rescue boat but was not able to cope under battle conditions with tides etc and was used for other jobs. After restoration it is now part of the Maritime Museum fleet. 
I think I might ask for my ashes to go the same way but not on a windy day!

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