Visiting & visitors

This afternoon we went to see our friend, Karen (in this Blip with Ann). I am one of Karen's most favourite little Collie pups in the world and she always looks forward to a visit from me. Today her friend Margaret was also there. Karen had told Margaret all about me so Margaret couldn't wait to meet me. She also thought I was the bestest little Collie pup in the whole wide world.

This evening our very lovely friend, Iain, came to visit us and Ann cooked him dinner. We use the word 'cooked' very loosely?! Lol!!! The humans had a 'King prawn, chicken & chorizio paella' from Aldi and surprising it was very nice, crusty bread and salad. And NO, neither of them fed me any little titbits. However, I was allowed to jump up onto the sofa so that Iain could give me lots of cuddles. Yay!!!

I absolutely LOVE going visiting and having people visit us.  I'm the most sociable little Collie pup in the world.


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